Wednesday 21 December 2011

Common And Favorite font of following phrase :)

It is used and designed according to my feelings and emotions. 

Common Typeface And Favorite Typeface

This is assignment given last week, it's all about the common and favorite type face.  There are 5 font in current common typefaces that I like which is: 

Common Type Face
1. Arial Black
Why Arial black (bold) is because it is very common and it is being used in my daily works.  It is an official to type down something for example resume, and so on.  I being tough that it is an official words to be used when we want to type letter and so on.  However it is being used to bold something that it is necessary.  

2. Times New Roman 
Times New Roman is the second font that I always used in daily life when I want to type down something.  However, it is looks more smart compare with arial black.  It looks more beautiful because it is shows the credibility of someone.  

3. Show Card Gothic 
Show card gothic is a common font that I always used, it shows that I'm a very understanding to the art.  Show card gothic looks simple, and it is looks freaky too as a mysterious person. ;) 

4. Rock Well Extra Bold 
Casteller is a very common font that I used in order to express my feelings of having a "big heart" . 

5. Century Gothic 
I used century gothic when there is a freedom for me to used it. 

Favorite type face
1. Cooper std 
It looks smart in the terms of my favorite of font.  

2. Franklin Gothic Heavy 
It looks that the font is too much attraction for me 

3. Casttellar 
Used when I have the feelings of confusing of something 

4. Gill Sans Ultra Bold 
Used to dedicated my feelings to the written items. 

5. Broadway 
Show the credibility of a leader 

Lab Test COM422: "Very Enjoyable"

This is a test that I had done.  This question in consisted in question 1, in question 1, I need to crop the pictures and other pictures so that in the end, there will be a picture that being produce based on the question given.  It's too complicated for me to do the question seem I'm still new to photoshop and AI.  However, I managed to do this answer that being given.  Although it is not specifically just like the previous picture but I have put my effort to do this question. 

This is the second question that I managed to do with success, I believe.  It is a banner for a kids who going to select his birthday and the Bird Park.  I have put more stars from the previous banner is because it will shows more happiness for the boy and it shows that the boy is going to celebrating his birthday.  The font of the wording in my banner is also different because it will shows that it is more enjoyable words than the previous banner. 

Thursday 15 December 2011


This is the brochure of MC222 (Public Relations).  This brochure had been made up by me in order to gives information to the public about what is Public Relations programme in UiTM.  The structure and durations of the programme is to tell people people about the structure and durations of PR programme.  Besides that course offered is also stated in this brochure.  Career opportunities and contact details also being stated in the brochure in order to inform people on how to contact the officer in charge of the programme.  This brochure can be used for the people to get information about PR programme in UiTM.

Thursday 3 November 2011

This is a cover magazine that had been made up by me, the title of the magazine is MC222 Public Relation, the color of the black and white is to show the charisma, strength, courage, quality and the effective of the magazine.  There are lot's of information that can be gained in this magazine through it's stories.  This magazine is a legend magazine for Public Relation practitioners.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Cover Album: Amin Awesome

Name: Akhimullah Muhaimin Bin Norbi
Student ID: 2010981145
This cover album showed the effectiveness of the colors between the WWE T-shirt of Rey Mysterio. The color of the T-shirt is in a red in color shows that Rey is a brave person (and it is same just like me).  I put the stripes is because to shows that Im a strong man just like Rey.   
In the X-men movie, the stripes is like the Wolverine weapon on his hand (the sharp metal) shows that he is strong.  So, it’s shows that Im a strong person, brave enough to go on with my life.  The red background color is red shows the confident of me in what ever that Im doing in order to achieve my target and my mission.  Im a awesome guy which means that I am eligible in order to go in my life and complete what ever task that i have to face, that I have to counter and what i have to do.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Perpetua: Amin

This is the perpetua characters of showing my name.  The background color is in blue and yellow colors which is I like most.  The capital a of perpetua is been developed by rotated it and end of the capital a, there is the word of "min" which is completed the nickname of my name.  Below of the capital a, I insert the title of my designation of word which is the "perpetua" and below it there is the alphabets from a to z and 1 to 9 in the type of perpetua.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Nickname Design

Assalamualaikum wbt. to all viewers of my blog.  Today, Im going to present about my nickname design. Specifically my name is Akhimullah Muhaimin Norbi, thus I've make my name short which is "Amin".  A stands  for Akhimullah, M for Muhaimin, and N for my late dad name which is Norbi.  In the previous class last week I've learned on how to created name designation through the Adobe Illustrator.  

After class I went backed to my college and everyday I kept thinking and sketching about the designation that I like most to design my name, my nickname that had being posted above.  There are three designation that I had been designed.  

First is beret, the beret shows that Im a discipline person in order to go on with my life, the word Amin is designed to show up my name and why the word M, I and N have such a stink is because that showing that Im a fierce guy and Im brave enough to endure my life. 

The second one is the ordinary word of "Amin" which is a plain word and I had designed it simply.  It is actually shows when Im done with my first task in order to create the designation.  It was the first time Im using the adobe Illustrator and Im think that this is the best picture that I designed at the first stages. 

The final designed is I've created the word of "Amin" and I had make it as a logo of leaf.  It shows that Im calm in order to complete this task and show the most better designed. 

Thursday 22 September 2011

Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes?


Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes.  Zebras is an animal African Equids which is best known as a horse family.  There are three species of zebras which is Mountain zebras, Plain's zebras and Gravy's zebras.  Basically the unique of the stripes that zebras have is they can occur in variety habitats such as grassland, savannas, woodlands, hills, scrublands and mountains.  There are eight species of zebras which is  Plains zebras, Quagga, Burchell zebras, Grant's zebras, Selous's zebra, Chapman's zebra, Crawshay's zebra, Mountain zebras, Cape Mountain zebras, Hartmann's zebras, and Grevy's zebra.

Basically zebras is a animal that fully of stripes on its body.  And untill today their stripes will going to makepeople might think about it, people will confuse of it whether is it white comes first or black comes first.  In my thought zebras is an animal that have the camouflage animal which is very unique to the environment.  They can hide in every situation in order to escape themselves from dangers.

 In my opinion zebras is a animal which is coming from the black stripes at the first observation.  When I look at zebras I will get know and I realize that zebras is a animal that coming from the black stripes. Why Im saying this is because that zebras is an animal that really unique and sophisticated to detect when they are in their surrounding.  Why i choosing black is because when zebras being pull out its hairs, their skins will be in the black in color.  For me I also believe that zebras background color is black.  The white color is the additions of the zebras colors.  As as concern that zebras is a animal that have stripes typically vertical from their neck, head, forequarters and main bodies, it also stripes on its legs.  A simple analogy that i have made and why im saying that zebras colors is coming black in color in the first assumption is because when I look at the "zebras crossing" shows that it being painted after black and white colors.  The painted at the zebras crossing is a black color at the line and it will be followed to the white stripes in the next line. In my conclusion, the zebras coming from the black stripes at the first line and it will be followed to white stripes.