Wednesday 21 December 2011

Common Typeface And Favorite Typeface

This is assignment given last week, it's all about the common and favorite type face.  There are 5 font in current common typefaces that I like which is: 

Common Type Face
1. Arial Black
Why Arial black (bold) is because it is very common and it is being used in my daily works.  It is an official to type down something for example resume, and so on.  I being tough that it is an official words to be used when we want to type letter and so on.  However it is being used to bold something that it is necessary.  

2. Times New Roman 
Times New Roman is the second font that I always used in daily life when I want to type down something.  However, it is looks more smart compare with arial black.  It looks more beautiful because it is shows the credibility of someone.  

3. Show Card Gothic 
Show card gothic is a common font that I always used, it shows that I'm a very understanding to the art.  Show card gothic looks simple, and it is looks freaky too as a mysterious person. ;) 

4. Rock Well Extra Bold 
Casteller is a very common font that I used in order to express my feelings of having a "big heart" . 

5. Century Gothic 
I used century gothic when there is a freedom for me to used it. 

Favorite type face
1. Cooper std 
It looks smart in the terms of my favorite of font.  

2. Franklin Gothic Heavy 
It looks that the font is too much attraction for me 

3. Casttellar 
Used when I have the feelings of confusing of something 

4. Gill Sans Ultra Bold 
Used to dedicated my feelings to the written items. 

5. Broadway 
Show the credibility of a leader 

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