Wednesday 21 December 2011

Lab Test COM422: "Very Enjoyable"

This is a test that I had done.  This question in consisted in question 1, in question 1, I need to crop the pictures and other pictures so that in the end, there will be a picture that being produce based on the question given.  It's too complicated for me to do the question seem I'm still new to photoshop and AI.  However, I managed to do this answer that being given.  Although it is not specifically just like the previous picture but I have put my effort to do this question. 

This is the second question that I managed to do with success, I believe.  It is a banner for a kids who going to select his birthday and the Bird Park.  I have put more stars from the previous banner is because it will shows more happiness for the boy and it shows that the boy is going to celebrating his birthday.  The font of the wording in my banner is also different because it will shows that it is more enjoyable words than the previous banner. 

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