Thursday 20 October 2011

Cover Album: Amin Awesome

Name: Akhimullah Muhaimin Bin Norbi
Student ID: 2010981145
This cover album showed the effectiveness of the colors between the WWE T-shirt of Rey Mysterio. The color of the T-shirt is in a red in color shows that Rey is a brave person (and it is same just like me).  I put the stripes is because to shows that Im a strong man just like Rey.   
In the X-men movie, the stripes is like the Wolverine weapon on his hand (the sharp metal) shows that he is strong.  So, it’s shows that Im a strong person, brave enough to go on with my life.  The red background color is red shows the confident of me in what ever that Im doing in order to achieve my target and my mission.  Im a awesome guy which means that I am eligible in order to go in my life and complete what ever task that i have to face, that I have to counter and what i have to do.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Perpetua: Amin

This is the perpetua characters of showing my name.  The background color is in blue and yellow colors which is I like most.  The capital a of perpetua is been developed by rotated it and end of the capital a, there is the word of "min" which is completed the nickname of my name.  Below of the capital a, I insert the title of my designation of word which is the "perpetua" and below it there is the alphabets from a to z and 1 to 9 in the type of perpetua.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Nickname Design

Assalamualaikum wbt. to all viewers of my blog.  Today, Im going to present about my nickname design. Specifically my name is Akhimullah Muhaimin Norbi, thus I've make my name short which is "Amin".  A stands  for Akhimullah, M for Muhaimin, and N for my late dad name which is Norbi.  In the previous class last week I've learned on how to created name designation through the Adobe Illustrator.  

After class I went backed to my college and everyday I kept thinking and sketching about the designation that I like most to design my name, my nickname that had being posted above.  There are three designation that I had been designed.  

First is beret, the beret shows that Im a discipline person in order to go on with my life, the word Amin is designed to show up my name and why the word M, I and N have such a stink is because that showing that Im a fierce guy and Im brave enough to endure my life. 

The second one is the ordinary word of "Amin" which is a plain word and I had designed it simply.  It is actually shows when Im done with my first task in order to create the designation.  It was the first time Im using the adobe Illustrator and Im think that this is the best picture that I designed at the first stages. 

The final designed is I've created the word of "Amin" and I had make it as a logo of leaf.  It shows that Im calm in order to complete this task and show the most better designed.